KMBC 9 News : Kansas Citians struggling to pay rent can get help through city program

KANSAS CITY, MO — Kansas Citians struggling to pay rent or utilities can get some help through the city’s emergency assistance program. The city says $4.5 million is available for the program. That money comes from the stimulus package passed by Congress in December, and it is directed toward five agencies that the city contracted to provide immediate help. They include Metropolitan Lutheran Ministry, Journey to New Life, reStart, Community Assistance Council and Synergy Services.

“This immediate relief is affecting people’s physical and mental health. It affects their parenting, their relationships everything,” said Susie Roling, of Journey to New Life.

Many of the agencies involved say they have seen five times as many calls for help during the pandemic. And at the end of March, the federal eviction moratorium is set to come to an end.

People interested in the emergency financial assistance program can sign up online or by calling 311. If you live outside the Kansas City area and don’t have access to the internet, you can call United Way by dialing 211.


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