KC program that houses female ex-convicts with nuns hopes to replace lost state funding

Trading cellmates for nuns. Some women leaving Missouri prisons say a place called Journey House, one of the programs under Journey to New Life, is life-changing.

Now the people who run Journey House as well as other Journey to New Life programs hope next year’s state budget will replace part of the funding they say they suddenly lost in January.

Kristie Meeks leaned over the stove.

“We’re making Tuna Helper with corn and mashed potatoes,” she said, lifting lids off pots. “Last week I cooked salmon patties, oh my God, melt in your mouth!”

Meeks and the other women living in Journey House after they get out of prison take turns with their share of the cooking and cleaning while living with four nuns.

“You think nuns?” laughed Crystal Stevens about her time waiting to come to Journey House. “It’s like you’re gonna be in prison all over again!” But now, she said, “The sisters, the nuns, they are amazing people.”

The women can stay for up to three months while looking for jobs, and often get therapy or treatment. The funding that was cut paid for transitional housing and assistance for the women when they leave Journey House.


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Nuns, women from prison form a family at Journey House

The morning is cold and dark when Sister Rose McLarney comes out of the old brick building on Beacon Hill and opens the gates to the street. She gets the 5 a.m. duty because she will leave soon to go swimming. For now, she goes back inside and there in the warm...